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Business Start Up

Interested in opening your business such as Corporation C or S, LLC also knows as Limited Liability Company, or just individual sole proprietor. Whatever it is at Convenience Brokerage we help out with all need possible

LLC or Limited Libility Company 

  • An LLC can be formed within 24 hours of submitting the necessary forms and fees.

  • There is no minimum capital contribution that must be made by a member to the LLC.

  • Single Member LLCs are allowed.

  • It may be managed by the members directly, or by manager(s) independent of the members.

  • Can easily transfer existing foreign LLCs to Nevis.

  • Liability is limited to the LLC and cannot be passed onto its members or managers.

  • Foreign judgments are not enforceable in Nevis, except in certain circumstances where a charging order will be recognised by the court.

  • The LLC may conduct lawful business in any part of the world, managers and members are not required to be residents of Nevis.

  • There is no public register. Information may only be obtained from the Company itself.

  • Information on the LLC must be kept confidential unless otherwise required by law.

  • The LLC is tax exempt in Nevis (though you may need to pay taxes in your home country)

C Corporation 

Advantages of a C Corporation

There are many benefits of a c corp. Below are just a few that stand out.

  • Limited liability. This applies to directors, officers, shareholders, and employees.

  • Perpetual existence. Even if the owner leaves the company.

  • Enhanced credibility. Gain respect among suppliers and lenders.

  • Unlimited growth potential. The sky's the limit thanks to the sale of stock.

  • No shareholders limit. However, once the company has $10 million in assets and 500 shareholders, it is required to register with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

  • Certain tax advantages. Enjoy tax-deductible business expenses.

S Corporation 

Benefits of an S corporation

  1. Self-employment tax savings

  2. Health insurance tax savings

  3. Employee expense deduction under an Accountable Plan

  4. Retirement planning

  5. Advantages of S-Corp over other business types


Price 200 $

s copr

Price 200 $


Price 500 $

individual sole proprietor

Price 50 $

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